Phil Letizia

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Coolest Guys in the World

Some of you know my fascination with the "Ocean's" movies. Not because they're any great achievment in film, or ground breaking movie going experiences, but because they're "exercises in cool". And with that, they always deliver.

You watch these movies, and think, these guys are the the epitomy of cool! How can I be like them?

Haven't seen 13 yet, (this thursday night).

Check out this week's cover article from EW and you'll see what I mean:

  • Pitt and Clooney

    • Yep, even a bad Oceans movie (Oceans 12) is enjoyable. Adding Al Pacino was the icing on the cake. I'm seeing it tonight :)

      By Blogger Fay, At 1:57 PM  

    • I saw it with Andrew and Daniele...well, hmmm it was disappointing but still enjoyable! I love them and I was waiting, waiting, waiting for something good. They still rock though because they are the coolest guys in the world!

      By Blogger OUTREACH, At 8:20 AM  

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